Your Account Includes . . .

Online College Fairs

Collect Materials, Find New Colleges, and Meet With Admissions Staff

Wide Variety

We have had participation from 80 different colleges and universities across a wide spectrum – public and private; religious and secular; hard sciences and liberal arts; large student bodies and small; etc.

The home-schooler college fairs run over several days to provide students with more opportunities to meet with colleges who offer degrees they are interested in.

Cool Feature:

Many of our participating colleges provide materials for download, such as View Books, so juniors and seniors can readily have information they need as they narrow their choices.

Now through February 28, 2025 – Get the PARENT and the first STUDENT account for $20. Save $20.
$20 per year (Cloud-based, per Individual)
GROUP DISCOUNTS (Co-ops, Enrichment Programs, etc.) also available. Please use our CONTACT US page so we can talk.