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Microsoft Publisher

Desktop Publisher

microsoft publisher for home-schoolers

Create polished, professional layouts without the hassle. Precisely layout and style text, pictures, borders, calendars, and more. In Publisher everything you add stays exactly the way you’ve designed it, in print, online, or in an email.

When you are finished, publish in the way that suits your audience best. Share pixel-perfect printouts, send professional-quality email publications, or other options.

Windows only.

Publisher templates

Cool Feature:

Easily design unique, specialized materials for any purpose. Create everything from simple greeting cards and labels to professional newsletters and marketing materials using Publisher’s wide range of pre-designed templates.

Now through February 28, 2025 – Get the PARENT and the first STUDENT account for $20. Save $20.
$20 per year (Cloud-based, per Individual)
GROUP DISCOUNTS (Co-ops, Enrichment Programs, etc.) also available. Please use our CONTACT US page so we can talk.